Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Watch IPSEITY online!

My film 'IPSEITY' is online and available to watch for free at www.watchipseity.com. It's been a long road to get here, and I'm excited to finally share it!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

IPSEITY Online Premiere

IPSEITY will finally make it's way online on July 11th. A little less than a year after the cast and crew screening of the film, I want it to be available online for anyone to view. Stay tuned for the link to go live on the 11th. In the meantime, check out some of the scenes from the film, and I hope you'll return to watch the rest of it!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The year ahead...

Lots of things have been happening, and I've been almost too busy to post any updates.

As I mentioned several posts ago, I worked with Betaversity to document the launch of their first ever betabox at the Triangle Maker Startup Weekend in Raleigh on April 4th-6th. The weekend was incredible, and very busy, but I was able to capture some footage and edit this promotional video for the product:

Betabox: Mobile Learning-by-Doing from Betaversity on Vimeo.
Betabox is a customizable prototyping and ideation pod that can be delivered anywhere in the country. Perfect for educators, conferences, and events, these spaces cultivate and enable creativity, problem solving, and learning by doing.

In addition to all the work with Betaversity, I've been working on a number of my own projects - unfortunately, some of them can't be announced yet, but one of them will be making it's way online this summer, and another one will be going live at the end of the year. I'm very excited about them, and can't wait to share them with you. Be sure to follow me on twitter at @nicholas_sailer to hear the latest updates and news about my projects!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Promotional video for Tapestry and Triangle Maker Startup Weekend

I've been busy producing a number of short commercial pieces and promotional videos, and I want to share what I've been working on recently!

Below is a video that I shot and produced for Tapestry, an app for creating and sharing stories. Check out the app here.

Tapestry: Make Something Beautiful from Nicholas Sailer on Vimeo.
Everyone has a story. Share yours with Tapestry.


Cinematography by Nicholas Sailer. Post-production by Sprinkle Labs.

In addition to creating some commercial and promotional pieces in NYC, I'm also headed to Raleigh, NC to shoot a promotional video with Betaversity and help launch their latest product, a mobile prototyping lab called a 'Betabox' at Raleigh's first ever Triangle Maker Startup Weekend.

This event is an innovation and entrepreneurship focused weekend for makers, engineers, and designers of all kinds. Stay tuned for pictures and video of the event!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It's been a while since I last posted, but it's about time to give an update on the projects I'm working on.

This week I'll be headed to San Francisco with Betaversity, the prototyping makerspace startup that I worked with last fall to produce a short promotional piece. I've been working with Betaversity on various design projects since the launch of the UC Davis Betaspace, and they are an amazing team with big things ahead. In San Francisco, we'll be interviewing various hardware entrepreneurs at Techshop and Jawbone to create a documentary about hardware innovation and entrepreneurship. Stay tuned for pictures, video, and more exciting things ahead.

In addition to working with Betaversity, I've also done some promotional video work for a really great design thinking startup called The Design Gym. The Design Gym teaches and facilitates design thinking and innovation workshops for clients looking to innovate in their industry, and students looking to learn and explore design further. Stay tuned for a video of The Design Gym soon!

In addition to these video projects, I've been working on a number of other side projects, including a lot of writing (both short stories, treatments, and screenplay).

Stay tuned for more updates as these projects progress! In the meantime, check out my recently updated WEBSITE and portfolio.